

Thursday, February 27, 2014

New England Women's Herbal Conference

Greetings to all you lovely plant medicine loving ladies!

It was so great to see all your beautiful faces at All Together Now this past Sunday. Looking forward to many more herbal gatherings--especially as the winter winds down and we prepare to greet the Spring!

As one of the officiators for next meeting, I will be bringing this up for the benefit of the group, but wanted to also post it here for everyone's consideration: This will be the 27th Annual New England Women's Herbal Conference! The conference will be held from Friday August 22nd through Sunday August 24th in Camp Wicosuta, New Hampshire. I realize this seems far in the future, but there is a discount for Early Bird Registration before May 30th and so I thought we should all consider keeping it in our thoughts as we move forward through the year (and we all know how quickly time can creep up on us as well!). For those who are interested in going, it might also be nice to attend as a group and possibly bunk in the same bunkhouse for those of us who might want to choose that option over camping.

You can find more information about the conference, including registration information and pricing, workshop details and schedule, amenities, etc. at this website:

Looking forward to this so much and hoping to see some of you there!!


(Yarrow friends I found along a bouldering approach in Poudre Canyon, CO last September <3)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

this is too funny!!!   saw it on Kori's facebook and had to spread it

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Growing Medicinal Herbs for Market

Hello all,

I've been snuggling into winter weather with Rosemary's first lesson and hoping to make an order of books, herbs and supplies soon.  Her personal journey to connect with herbs and share them with others is incredibly inspiring!. Having a two year old in my life, I am in awe that she spent four months on horseback with her two year old in the wilderness.  What a lucky child! 

The owners of Zack Woods Herb Farm are presenting an intensive workshop at the Winter NOFA VT Conference and I thought some of you might be interested in going.  (I am!!)  Its a full day workshop covering everything thing they do,  guided by the materials for their forthcoming book on growing herbs. (Which I am also very excited about!)

Commercial Growing of Medicinal Herbs for Market in the Northeast 
Monday, February 17. 
10am–3pm, Billings Center, UVM
$50 members; $65 non-members

Interested in producing herbs on a commercial scale? Join the owners of Zack Woods Herb Farm in an exploration of the entire process from seed selection to sales, including facilities layout and planning, species selection, propagation, growing, harvesting, post-harvest processing, storage, value-added processing and marketing.
Presenters: Jeff and Melanie Carpenter have owned and operated Zack Woods Herb Farm, a certified organic medicinal herb farm located in Hyde Park, VT, for 14 years. Zack Woods Herb Farm sells organic dried and fresh bulk herbs, herbal teas, and potted medicinal plants through both wholesale and retail

Looking forward to connecting with you all again,

Be well and warm!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Green Blessings

Hey Herbal Wise Ones...

Just a little shout out to Lexi for creating this blog! Thank you for providing a tool that will keep us all even more connected in between our meetings. PLEASE ladies, lets all put this to good use. Once again, anything that feels appropriate can be posted here.
Jenna Yetman, that song you shared would be AMAZING to have written down here. and any others that come to mind from anyone too:)

~Right now, im just filled with graditude! After being away in FL and coming back home to my cozy little home, the next day being surrounded by such beauty and inspiration from all of you. I am so filled up! Thank you for all showing up and coming together for this course. Jess and i dreamed this up but all of us are co-creating the reality. Looking forward to soothing and nourishing our nerves together next month!

JESS, will you post the list again of bulk herbs?  Folks can add to it here on the blog

                                                        Trillium-did you know it takes 7 years for this plant to flower?

                                                                                   Yarrow and Red Clover 

hope this finds you all blissfully well

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hey woman's herb circle! Here is the beginning of our blog...if you feel inspired to post anything here, feel free. This is a space for photos, poetry, songs, recipes, and of course anything herbal/plant related. Thank you Alexis

Anddd we're live!

Hello one and all!   I sure wish I could have been with  you all on the 12th to kick off the class,  yet technology has not yet allowed for us to be in two places at once.   Given this,  I hope this medium, and maybe some others will allow us to get to know each other and share some of our knowledge outside of group meetings.  Please feel free to post pictures, recipes, ideas, etc. here or send me e-mails to post to serve as adjunct to monthly meetings.

